Monday, November 5, 2012

Holy Cheeseplosion, Batman!

Have you guys heard of the site called Pintester? No, not Pinterest....PinTESTER. This girl tries out popular ideas found on Pinterest to show you if they work or if they're a giant fail. She's HILARIOUS. But seriously - don't take my word for it - go read about the soap clouds.

Anyway, last night B and I were inspired by a pin about baked mozzarella cheese bites. Basically, you just (1) take a piece of string cheese, (2) cut it into cubes, (3) dunk the cubes in milk and roll in breadcrumbs (4) bake. Easy peasy, and we had all of the, uh, "ingredients" on hand.

Inspiration: *
 Gotta try this...string cheese chopped into bite size pieces, dipped in milk and bread crumbs, baked at 425 for 8-10 minutes- serve with marinara sauce!  It's baked not fried!

Our sad little attempt: 

As Pintester would say.... "nailed it."
As ugly as they look, we devoured the whole pan. Warm, melty cheese is never a bad thing, although I think next time I'll just stick a cube of cheddar in the microwave and call it a day. 

*Original picture and recipe come from Abby at Never Trust a Skinny Cook. She DOES offer tips about how to keep your cheese balls from melting/expanding/exploding in the oven...we just didn't see them until it was too late. 

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