Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Confession....

....I haven't done a very good job with my nutrition/hydration/foam rolling goals for the past few days.

I've had several exams this week (not a good excuse!) and have let things slip. I ran a 5K this morning and paid the price: I felt terrible as soon as I started and my time was way off.

The race was on a really hilly trail, and I don't think that any of the runners expected anything but flat pavement. Here's the elevation map, courtesy of RunKeeper:

That last hill was a doozy. I felt like my nose was scraping the ground. My time was in the mid 23s, i.e. doubling this 5K time still wouldn't be as fast as my most recent 10K time. Yikes!

Things to be grateful for: 
- I still managed to place 1st in my age group, 2nd in women, and 5th overall (disclaimer: there were not many runners, haha!)
- I got a medal, and I love love love medals. I have 5000 swimming medals that I don't care's something about RUNNING medals that gets me all hot and bothered.

Standard post-race picture. Hairy legs - check. Chipped polish - check.  

- My calves cramped up, but not in the usual way or place. I think it had more to do with dehydration than injury.
- It was only 3.1 miles, not 13.1. Short race = shorter recovery, so I won't be out for a week.
- Christmas is right around the corner (at least in my mind). Bring on the snowflakes!
- I just found out that two of my best friends from college are doing the Pittsburgh Half Marathon in May! B and I will be headed home to race it with his mom and sister, and I'm SO EXCITED that we'll get to spend time with close friends as well. It will be their first big running race - they used to be swimmers too - and I hope they catch the running bug for good.

Things that are bumming me out:
- This test. Tomorrow. 12 hours away. I am NOT prepared.

Goals for the week ahead: 
- Survive tomorrow
- Get back on track with my hydration, nutrition, and general care.
- Squeeze in a bike workout
- Swim at least twice
- Keep a positive attitude even though work will be getting crazy (I'll be in lab 6AM-11PM some days!)

What are your goals for the week? 

I'll leave you with a quote that helps me through failures in lab: "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'I will try again tomorrow.'" -- Mary Anne Radmacher

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